Today, Ukrainian metal band Jinjer has unleashed their single, “Rogue,” showing once more the band‘s refusal to conform to the musical genre rule book. Generating millions of streams and views on platforms worldwide, Jinger has perfected and fine tuned their own unique sound to perfection and are in a league completely their own.
The ferocity of vocalist Tatiana Shmayluk combined with a sonic rollercoaster of chugging riffs, pulverizing bass lines and intricate drums makes the band’s upcoming outputs some of the most anticipated in heavy music. “Rogue” is another raging reminder that Jinger never minces words when it comes to their music and always keeps the pressure on with each new release. As for the music video, each scene shows the band performing the ditty in stunning visuals.
While talking about their song, the band says: “Our new single ‘Rogue’ is a reaction to many things… it’s brutally honest, it’s in-your-face and one of the most intense tracks Jinger has ever released. We are so excited about this new track, about the new album and everything that‘s on the way.”
Over the past 15 years, Jinger has attained remarkable milestones, touring globally and captivating millions at prestigious festivals. They have headlined sold-out shows across Europe, North America and have thrilled audiences in destinations like Dubai, the Philippines, Türkiye, Japan and South Africa. As they continue their journey this year, Jinger is set to make a major impact on the music scene.