Electronic/rock band 65daysofstatic shared a new EP from their Wreckage Systems continuous livestream called Available Data. It’s a two-track ~20 minute release of algorithmically-produced music.
Available Data is the third EP the band has shared from the project, featuring similarly moody electronic loops to the last two, Under the Summs and Tomorrowd. The first piece picks up a groove as it goes on, with drums coming in 4 minutes into the track and building from there. The second piece picks up where the first leaves off, reprising the drums for a cinematic dance finale.
The Bandcamp page describes it with some vivid imagery, “Enveloped in a mist made of a billion tiny sawtooths, oceans of sines undulate as melodies drift through the purple sky like lanterns, clouds flickering like burnt out cathode rays. Sub bass causes earthquakes, dragging up beats from deep down in the valleys of nostalgia. They scrape their way to the surface and metallicize upon contact with the thick air, fracture themselves into new rhythms. Jagged spikes of sculpted electricity punch their intentions out of the earth and become mountains. You find new ways of moving in here, new ways of breathing.”
Wreckage Systems was inspired by the No Man’s Sky infinite soundtrack, but rather than featuring space-themed ambience, it hopes to serve as “an endless soundtrack for the here and now, happening live. A score to wreckage unfolding in real-time.” At the commencement of the project in March 2021, 65daysofstatic explained, “The Wreckage Systems are 65-designed algorithms that pull from this human-made storm of audio and turn it into a broadcast. Each system has different intentions, behaviors and levels of grumpiness.”
“Most of this music sounds like a soundtrack to a film that hasn’t been made yet,” the band continued. “Or like soundscapes to unmapped places. Or like beats and unruly feedback in a land where there’s no more nightclubs or live venues to amplify it in. Loop drifts loops and noise seeds, waiting for the wind to catch and carry them out into the world.”
The project is a follow-up to 65daysofstatic’s archival compilation A Year of Wreckage, which featured five hours of glitchy guitars, drones and breakcore drums, among other creations. An hour-long version of their piece “Safe Passage” came out of it, as well as a few separately-released EPs called Exvironments Pt. 2, Resistor/Noise, Miniatures and Endings, among a few others.
Available Data Tracklist:
1. Available Data V4
2. Available Data V5