Kanye West Releases First Presidential Campaign Ad 22 Days Before Election

Kanye West’s turbulent presidential campaign first took off in July, following the announcement that he was running for U.S. president. While this endeavor has faced many roadblocks, including his exclusions from the ballots in Illinois, WisconsinOhio and West Virginia and his failure to meet ballot requirements in Virginia, Arizona and South Carolina, his campaign has released a new video, 22 days ahead of the election.

The ad can be seen at kanye2020.country, and was briefly promoted on West’s Twitter, according to Variety. This website also hosts merchandise and his platform, which calls for a restoration of faith to the freedom of religion and restoring prayer in the classroom, reducing household and student debt, restructuring the educational system to help at-risk populations, maintain strong national defense while avoiding drawn-out conflicts, as well as promises of judicial, police and environmental reforms.

This campaign video shows West speaking in front of a backdrop showing a black and white American flag, as images of different families from diverse backgrounds are shown praying, laughing and doing house work. Images of a man walking through a greenhouse and firefighters are also shown, as are different clips of American landscapes and West’s own family pictures.

“America. What is America’s destiny? What is best for our nation? Our people? What is just? True justice? We have to think about all these things together as a people. To contemplate our future, to live up to our dream, we must have vision. We as a people will revive our nation’s commitment to faith, to what our constitution calls the free exercise of religion, including, of course, prayer,” West states in the ad. “Through prayer, faith can be restored.”

West has also been included as the Vice Presidential candidate for the Independent Party in the state of California. This run has coincided with West’s ongoing battle against the music industry, as he uploaded video urinating on a Grammy, threatened to not release new music until he’s released from his contract and allegedly posted his contracts on social media. The artist has also pledged to give his 50 percent share of masters back to his G.O.O.D. Music artists and previewed “Believe What I Say” in September.

Aaron Grech: Writer of tune news, spinner of records and reader of your favorite author's favorite author. Give me the space and I'll fill it with sounds. Jazz, funk, experimental, hip-hop, indietronica, ambient, IDM, 90's house, and techno. DMs open for Carti leaks only.
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