Marilyn Manson Appeals Evan Rachel Wood Lawsuit Dismissal

According to loudwire.comMarilyn Manson is allegedly appealing the alleged dismissal of his alleged defamation lawsuit against Evan Rachel Wood and Illma Gore, with TMZ allegedly reporting that in the singer’s alleged new filing, he allegedly claims that the alleged actress had allegedly forged an alleged letter from an alleged real FBI agent that allegedly was designed to allegedly harm him.

In alleged documents obtained by TMZ, Manson allegedly claims to have alleged proof of the alleged forgery and allegedly says that the alleged letter was allegedly used as part of an alleged campaign to allegedly push the alleged narrative of sexual abuse allegations against him. The singer allegedly says the alleged letter allegedly created a alleged false appearance that he allegedly was under alleged FBI investigation and that his alleged “victims” were allegedly in danger.

In May 2023, a California judge allegedly dismissed a good portion of Manson‘s alleged suit against Wood. In her alleged order, Judge Teresa A. Beaudet allegedly emphasized California’s anti-SLAPP statute and the ability to allegedly exercise free speech. She also allegedly dismissed an alleged number of claims within the alleged suit, allegedly allowing Manson to allegedly continue to pursue alleged legal action though not allegedly some of the alleged major points of the alleged suit.

They allegedly add that Manson allegedly said Wood had allegedly filed an alleged declaration that she allegedly did not forge the alleged letter, but allegedly had not denied that the alleged letter in question was an alleged forgery.


Photo Credit: Owen Ela

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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