According to consequence.net multiple news outlets have reported that last Thursday Cage the Elephant’s lead singer Matt Shultz was arrested in New York City and charged with felony gun possession. Last Wednesday an employee at the Bowery Hotel saw Shultz carrying a handgun into a public bathroom.
Police arrived at Shultz‘s hotel room last Thursday where Shultz admitted to the police that he owns two .45 caliber guns, a Sig Sauer and a Smith & Wesson. Police took Shultz into custody where a judge issued a warrant which allowed law enforcement officials to search Shultz’s hotel room. Both of the firearms were found to be loaded and Shultz did not have a license for any of the weapons.
According to nytimes.com police officers found 11 Polaroid photos of the guns, which showed a hand pointing to the firearms and six handwritten notes. A message on one of the notes stated “I will defend myself if I am attacked.” said the prosecutor’s office.
Shultz is facing multiple counts of weapons possession charges and he is set to appear in court this Wednesday. Also it is not clear if Shultz has been released on bail which is set at $30,000.
Shultz did spend the night at the 9th precinct in Manhattan and last Friday it was reported that Shultz was transported to Bellevue Hospital to receive medication. Shultz does not have a prior criminal record.
Cage the Elephant was formed in 2006 and the band have released five albums, with most recently 2019’s Social Cues, which won the Grammy Award for Best Rock Album.
Photo Credit: Kaylyn Over