Ian Hill Asserts Judas Priest Is Still Relevant Because “We’ve Always Tried To Take A Step Forward With Each Album”

According to blabbermouth.net, in recent interview with Charlie Kendall’s MetalshopJudas Priest bassist Ian Hill spoke about the multigenerational appeal of the band’s music, with dads, moms and kids attending the concerts: “When you look out into an audience these days, it’s not all old folks like myself. There’s a hell of a lot of young faces and they were probably dragged there initially screaming and yelling by their parents maybe, or their grandparents in some cases. But they’re loving it, and they’re singing along to the songs and not just the new stuff.”

The guitarist continues with: “They’re singing along to songs which are 40, 50 years of age. So they’ve obviously got an interest because they’ve delved into the back catalog and they’ve been listening to all this early stuff. And it’s great news, not just for ourselves, of course, but for heavy metal in general. It’s a very heartening thing to see, lots of young people enjoying themselves.”

The artist adds: “We’ve always tried to take step forward with each album. You just wanna get yourself better. We embrace new technologies and new gizmos and what have you; if it sounds good, we’ll use it and if not, it gets discarded. But when you’re doing that, you stay current, and it keeps you relevant. And if you didn’t know who we were and you listened to Invincible Shield or Firepower, for instance, we could be any band and we could be any young up-and-coming band just trying to make it.”

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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