According to brooklynvegan.com, Ty Segall has announced his upcoming album, Love Rudiments, will be out on August 30 through Drag City. This album is a little different from the artist’s previous work because Drag City PR says Love Rudiments is a “meditation on love” played on Segall’s first love: the drums. And not just drums, but a wide variety of percussion instruments, including timpani, vibraphone, xylophone, percussion and e-drums.
Drag City PR adds: “With these malleted instruments, Ty “charts the waxing and waning of a love affair, to explore some of the most delicate space we know of – the private emotional location where only two can meet.”
In light of the album announcement, Segall has shared his latest single, “The Dance,” which features a wonderful blend of jazzy and groovy instrumentation that compliments the artist’s fabulous vocal performance.
Love Rudiments Track List
1. First Look / First Conversation / Walk Home Pt. 1
2. Getting Ready / Arrival / The Dance / Walk Home Pt. II / First Touch
3. Honeymoon / Life / Confrontation / Argument / Separation / Realization
4. Love Rudiments
Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna