Stevie Nicks Reaffirms Fleetwood Mac Are Over Following Christine McVie’s Passing

Photo Credit: Mauricio Alvarado

According, back in 2022 longtime Fleetwood Mac vocalist and keyboardist Christine McVie died at the age of 79 and now, McVie’s bandmate Stevie Nicks has confirmed that the band will not continue without her. During a interview with Mojo, Nicks says: “Without Christine, no can do. There is no chance of putting Fleetwood Mac back together in any way. Without her, it just couldn’t work.”

Fleetwood Mac fired longtime co-leader Lindsey Buckingham in 2018 and later that year he told Stereogum: “I just have to forgive them because it’s really just Stevie being so needy for a certain kind of attention and maybe not wanting to compete with the vitality that I have.”

Nicks now says that Fleetwood Mac could not operate even if Buckingham came back: “Even if I thought I could work with Lindsey again, he’s had some health problems. It’s not for me to say, but I’m not sure if Lindsey could do the kind of touring that Fleetwood Mac does, where you go out for a year and half. It’s so demanding.”

Also in the interview Nicks says that she performs Fleetwood Mac songs live and that she is now focused on her solo career: “When I walk onstage, I couldn’t be prouder of my band. I mean, I would rather not be freed up from Fleetwood Mac, because of Christine. But I’m in a place where I can concentrate on my solo work. I can do anything I want now, and not have to worry about stopping and going back to Fleetwood Mac.”

The artist adds: “Fleetwood Mac is all over my set. Now that there is no more Fleetwood Mac, that opens the door for me to do other songs, like ‘The Chain,’ that I’ve never done [solo]. I will keep the music of Fleetwood Mac alive for as long as I can.”


Photo Credit: Mauricio Alvarado

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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