Empire State Bastard have shared “Moi?,” which is the fourth new song to be released from the band’s anticipated debut album Rivers of Heresy that will be released on September 1. Available today on all streaming platforms, “Moi?” follows the recent singles “Harvest,” “Stutter” and “The Looming.”
As a whole, Empire State Bastard’s latest ditty is fantastic by how the instrumentation shakes the atmosphere with killer sound while the vocal performance serenades the ears with power vocal tones. Also Dave Lombardo ‘s presence can be felt on the composition by how the loud thunderous beats echo in the background. “Moi?”is another vein jolting piece from Empire State Bastard .
In the press release Empire State Bastard‘s Simon Neil shares the meaning behind the band’s latest tune.
“‘Moi?’ is about people who just no matter what you talk about — and I’m guilty of this at points – will never ever see the truth, even if you dangle it in front of them. Ignorance can feel like a badge of honour these days, with people being stubborn and not being willing to enlighten themselves. I cannot believe we’ve got to the stage where that’s to be cherished.”
Rivers of Heresy adventurously probes almost every dark crevice imaginable from the myriad sounds of metal and genre-adjacent extremity. The band’s terrifying tourist trail visits slamming hardcore in the vein of Siege, frenetic thrash in Slayer’s ballpark, the claustrophobic sludge of Melvins, the freeform vocal dexterity of Mike Patton and the gargantuan stoner riffs of Sleep. The album is a sound with roots inspired by metal’s forefathers but more deeply influenced by the weirder, darker and unconventional left field twists that the genre has since voyaged into.