Poliça released two new tracks titled “Tricky Lovers” and “Coming Down” through online music company, Bandcamp. The songs were first announced in an Instagram post last week where Poliça frontwoman Channy Leaneagh described her fears and anxiety in isolation.
Poliça’s song description explains how the two tracks were recorded while they worked on their last album, When We Stay Alive. “Tricky Lovers” begins with strings as Leaneagh sings over dark and slow synths. Her voice is suspended as instruments slowly come into play, the bass prominent in each section. “Coming Down” is more upbeat, giving futuristic synths as Leaneaugh’s voice sings higher and faster than in “Tricky Lovers.” The tracks bounce off and reflect one another by their opposing sounds, highlighting the band’s versatility.
Leaneagh gives a shout-out to Bandcamp in her video, thanking them for supporting artists throughout the pandemic and current period of financial uncertainty by having designated days where 100% of revenue goes directly to the artists. Leaneagh expresses her fears in currently being unemployed and unable to tour during the pandemic have influenced her to apply to acupuncture school and computer science programs.
Poliça were supposed to be making an appearance in June at Rock The Garden in their hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota before the event got cancelled. Leaneagh has previously teamed up with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver and Jenny Lewis in Swamp Dogg’s “Sleeping Without You Is A Dragg.”
Photo credit: Raymond Flotat