FLOODFest 2015 is upon us and it first Midwest installment of FLOODfest, taking place in Chicago, Illinois, during this year’s Lollapalooza festival weekend. Performances by Viet Cong, Hanni El Khatib, BADBADNOTGOOD, and DJ Windows 98 are some of the musicians in the upcoming lineup. The concerts are strictly RSVP. The shows will include alcohol so these concerts are for adults age 21 or older and are first come first served.
DJ Windows 98, also known as Win Butler, and Nancy Whang are former members from bands such as LCD Soundsystem and Arcade Fire. They are now working on branching out as solo artists and hoping to perform at the upcoming festival in Chicago as the beginning of their stand alone music tours. Headliner Hanni El Khatib released a music video for his album Moonlight. The new music video features Dr. Dog and covers the topics of what is real and what is imaginary in the depiction of Hanni’s alter ego. Viet Cong has been perforing at music festivals: Pitchfork, Lowlands, Fun Fun Fun, and Pop Montreal to name a few. The band has also been touring with Making Time in celebration of that band’s 15th anniversary. BADBADNOTGOOD has released a new album, Sour Soul. BADBADNOTGOOD has also been touring at music festivals and releasing a music video for their single “Ray Gun” featuring the band Ghostface Kilah.
FLOOD Magazine was co-founded by editors from FILTER magazine. FLOOD Magazine was recently established in 2014 and is meant to be a new and influential voice in a diverse culture of modern media. Their office is located in Los Angeles California. Alan Sartirana is the founder of the magazine and the head publisher. Performances will take place at Virgin Hotels in Chicago Illinois Thursday July 30 Saturday August 1.
Artists who will perform at FLOODfest in Chicago:
Hanni El Khatib
Viet Cong
DJ Windows 98
Nancy Whang
Golden Touch
Jamie Strong
Broods & Coasts