Today, the Halloween of 2024, marks the long-awaited release of Halsey’s newest album, The Great Impersonator. Upon its announcement in early September, Halsey described it as being written “in the space between life and death,” and, as the album’s name suggests, approaches their struggles with Imposter Syndrome.
For the past week, Halsey has been teasing the impending release with live performances of the album’s singles, released exclusively on YouTube. To match the theming of impersonation, each of the performances have corresponded to the styles of influential artists from the 1970s through the 2000s. She kicked off this series of videos with a Stevie-Nicks-inspired performance, and now, for the final live performance in this series, she’s channeling goth rock bands of the early 2000s with her video for “Lonely is the Muse.”
Musically, there was already a clear influence of the late 90s/early 2000s in “Lonely is the Muse.” The opening guitar riff sounds as though it was pulled straight from “Everlong” by The Foo Fighters, and the hard-hitting drum beats feel very akin to something you’d hear in “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day.
The video pushes the 2000s influence even further, with Halsey adorning herself in an Amy-Lee-esque outfit, consisting of a black denim corset, matching armbands, and a magenta wig straightened to perfection.
Other 2000s flourishes appear throughout the video in the form of dark blue lighting and blurry, Matrix-style action lines that surround Halsey during the song’s most emotional lines. Frankly, the only things this video missed were heavy amounts of rainfall and Kate Beckinsale shooting a hole through the ground with machine guns.
You can see the video for yourself right here: