According to, Ghost has released an animated music video for a new song called “Future Is A Foreign Land.” The song was penned by the fictional character Papa Nihil, who also wrote the previously released Ghost songs “Mary On A Cross” and “Kiss The Go-Goat” but the track had never been made available til now.
With its wicked twangy guitar parts and playfully ominous lyrics of impending doom, the song is as an artifact of the band’s 1969 era. The tune was revealed to the world prior to the end credits scene of the band’s new concert and narrative film Rite Here Rite Now and serves as the sole previously unreleased studio track to be included on the movie’s original soundtrack which is out June 26.
As for the animated video for “Mary On a Cross,” it was also directed by animator Sean Donnelly and just like “Future Is A Foreign Land,” the music video offers viewers a glimpse of the intricate narrative storyline Tobias Forge has built into the band’s lore over the years in full animation. Both video are delightfully entertaining because it gives fans a chance to see the band in a different perspective.
Photo Credit: Ekaterina Gorbacheva