Iron Maiden’s Nicko McBrain Battled Laryngeal Cancer In 2020

It has been revealed that Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain battled laryngeal cancer in last two years. He was diagnosed in 2020, but is now cancer free. McBrain disclosed this information in an interview with the University of Miami’s School of Medicine.

It all started in 2019 when McBrain noticed a change in his voice that was concerning. The drummer initially assumed this was due to a habit he developed of screaming while he is on stage performing and playing the drums. He took it upon himself to call his doctor, and in 2020 underwent an endoscopy performed by Dr. David E. Rosow where he was diagnosed with stage 1 laryngeal cancer. Rosow warns, “Anyone who is experiencing a voice change that lasts longer than three weeks should see an otolaryngologist who can evaluate a person’s vocal folds.”

Luckily, the stage 1 prognosis has a published cure rate of 95% and up according to Rosow. One week after the diagnosis Rosow removed the cancerous tumor. McBrain was granted ample time to recover when the concert-industry shutdown due to COVID-19. He continues to keep up with his health and get regular check ups to ensure that the cancer has not returned. (Consequence)

Gracie Chunes: My name is Gracie Chunes and I am a 21 year old senior at Illinois State University. I major in English with a sequence in Publishing Studies. I grew up in the capitol, Springfield before moving to Normal, where I currently reside. I have always had a passion for music for as long as I can remember, starting with One Direction of course. In college I discovered my love for writing and what goes into publishing a piece of writing. I recently worked as a production and editorial assistant in the publication of the chapbook "Time/Tempo: The Idea of Breath" by Laura Cesarco Eglin.
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