My Chemical Romance has released their latest song “The Foundations of Decay”, their first song since their 2014 single “Fake Your Death”. This six-minute return to music comes after their postponed 2022 North American tour was set to begin with Turnstile, Soul Glo and Midtown.
The song begins with lyrics like “See the man who stands upon the hill // He dreams of all the battles won // But fate had left its scars upon his face // With all the damage they had done.”
Following typical MCR style, “The Foundations of Decay” tackle more serious themes within the song through Gerard Way’s incredible storytelling ability.
“Let out bodies lay while our hearts will stay // Let our blood invade if I die in pain // Now if your convictions were a passing phase // May your ashes feed the river in the morning rays // And as the vermin crawls // We lay in the foundations of decay.”
This song is certainly an impressive return to the stage and fans are hopeful to see this song performed during their upcoming tour.
My Chemical Romance is also set to perform at this year’s Riot Fest and has had their song “Welcome to the Black Parade” .
Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat