Angels & Airwaves have taken a darker turn as the band continues to evolve. Originally formed in 2005 by Tom Delonge after his departure from Blink-182. After releasing music as a band, they went on a 7-year hiatus before finally coming back together in 2019. They have just released their newest song “Spellbound,” their latest single from the upcoming LIFEFORMS album. The group performs in a dark room for the music video, surrounded by flashes and rays of colorful lighting. The front-man of Angels & Airwaves Tom DeLonge used a laser programming technique called laser banding to create a first-of-its-kind laser-walled cube that the band performed inside of.
The theme of the video is exactly right in comparison to the lyrics of the song. A dark track plays as DeLounge sings about “waiting for these cuts to sting/ knowing how my heart will bleed.”
Watch the video here and catch their feature on Loudwire:
Their release comes two weeks out from the upcoming album LIFEFORMS set for release on September 24. This is already the third single we get before the official album release, their first single being “Euphoria,” followed by “Restless Souls,” and “Losing My Mind,” which is worlds away from this release. Sporting a more disco-centered rock tone, “Losing My Mind” in comparison with “Spellbound” shows the diversity of the songs we will be hearing on the upcoming album. Angels & Airwaves are also gearing up for their tour, which is set to start directly after their album release. You can check out their tour schedule and buy tickets through www.angelsandairwaves.com.