Ice Cube Elaborates On Previous Comments On Democrats and Republicans: “It’s Like Good Cop, Bad Cop”

Photo Credit: Mauricio Alvarado

Just yesterday, Ice Cube announced that he will not be endorsing any of the candidates for the presidential election this year. Today, he is explaining his reasoning for his statements after being attacked for working with the Trump administration. Ice Cube has been advocating for Trump’s plan to create 3 million jobs for Black Americans along with other things that correspond to Ice Cube’s Contract for Black America, according to Brooklyn Vegan. They also reported that Ice Cube stated that both Trump and Biden’s campaigns reached out but Biden did not want to discuss anything until after the election was over.

Ice Cube took to his social media yesterday to address his connection with the progress he is currently making. He stated, “When we created the Contract with Black America we expected to talk to both sides of the isle. Talking truth to power is part of the process.” He is also being criticized for once claiming he would never endorse someone like Donald Trump. In 2018, he wrote a rap song about Trump being arrested as well as accusing him of treason.

When addressing the confusion about where he stands politically, he communicated that both sides are going to be the same until changes happen for the people. “There’s language in both plans that needs to be made better for black Americans. That being said, [Trump’s] plan was pretty thin — and they boosted it up in several areas. Because the problem with all these plans, they say ‘minority,’ ‘people of color,’ ‘diversity,’ and ‘urban,’ and all these words that don’t necessarily mean money going into the hands of black families. They mean money going in a big old pot, and we still got to get our scraps from the bottom of that pot,” said Ice Cube according to Brooklyn Vegan.

The rapper has now made it clear that he feels both political parties are at fault. He claims that both Republicans and Democrats are willing and have the power to lock people up when they deem necessary. One side can seem nice while the other can seem mean, but to him that doesn’t matter because they are both equally powerful to make negative decisions. He further elaborated by stating, “We may have a seat at the table, but we still don’t have the power — and we don’t have the power because we don’t have any money…”

Photo Credit: Mauricio Alvarado 

Krista Marple: Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I graduated from Point Park University where I earned my Bachelor's in Journalism. I've always had a passion for music so going to concerts and discovering new bands and artists has always been the norm for me.
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