Future Islands has released a new video to accompany their new single “For Sure.” Their new song is a ballad that alludes to a troubled relationship that has had its ups and downs, but at the end of the day the two partners of the relationship will overcome their obstacles.
“For Sure,” includes backing vocals from Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak that you can hear through out the song. The song starts with a heavy synth and builds up to a full band of background music by the chorus. Future Islands’ new single alludes to memories, where the lyrics say, “Hot as the day/When we sat on stones/Watching the fish, run/Under our feet, and flow/And dove from the rocks/Scraping my knees and toes/And blood, with me, rose/Slow from the sea.”
In the video that goes along with the new single, viewers can watch an exciting car chase through winding roads, with a car that has a broken window and a car that is a little old but seems to be in better shape than the car with the shattered windshield. The two cars are taking turns chasing each other, as they pass animals running on highways and cars that have fallen off of the highway that are stuck either in the mud or in water. Metaphors are hidden in this new single that is left for the listener to interpret for themselves.
In the time since their last album released in 2017 the synth pop band hasn’t officially released anything new until this new single. However, last September at a concert in Massachusetts the band played seven new songs, none of which have the same title as “For Sure.” The seven songs that were sung at the concert from 2019 are:”Hit the Coast”, “The Painter”, “Born in a War”, “Thrill”, “B. Ham”, “Moonlight” and “Plastic Beach.” Not all of the song titles have been confirmed by the band.
At least for now fans have this bright, new, synth pop single to listen to while they wait for more music from Future Islands.
Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna