For those out there that might find the rapid-growing commercialism of many of a music festival out there pasé, fear not! for, Savannah Stopover Music Festival is here to save all of le hipsters’ day. Now in its’ nearing 7th year of production, the three day music festival was originally intended as a mere interlude, and a welcomed place to play for traveling artists en route to SXSW. But, as the climate for Savannah “stopover” rages, the festival continues to grow in numbers. This year’s three-day celebration takes place March 9-11, 2017 and pulls in some seriously big legends and even bigger names in the industry. Can you say Kishi Bashi, Lee Fields, Jeff The Brotherhood, and Wreckless Eric?
According the festival’s website, “the small, vibrant coastal community is rife with a unique brand of low country hospitality and southern gothic ambiance, not to mention home to a burgeoning music scene, music-hungry demographic, and an established arts community. The three-day festival puts a premium on musical discovery in an intimate, historical setting at a price unrivaled by any similar music festival.
Heading into it’s SEVENTH year, the festival has hosted such notable up and comers as Grimes, of Montreal, The War On Drugs, Future Islands, Mac Demarco, Wye Oak, Generationals, St. Lucia, DIIV, Ra Ra Riot, Oberhofer, Reptar, St. Paul & The Broken Bones and hundreds of others before they broke out of the pack. Offering three days of musical discovery, music fans can hop from venue to venue, beer in hand, keeping track of all of their favorite new acts (yep, you can drink in the streets here, as long as you stay in the historic district).
As the festival has grown, more and more regional and national acts of the established nature have decided to make Savannah Stopover a destination in its’ own right and we couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome them. A collaborative effort of MusicFile Productions and countless volunteers, partners, vendors, and sponsors, from March 9th-11th, 2017, the Savannah Stopover will showcase 80+ bands in small to mid-size venues across Savannah’s walkable Historic District. Come join the party!”
Those interested in accommodations for the three-day event can mozy on over to the festival’s main website for further hotel information, and etc. But, find a full list of planned acts for this March’s extravaganza below!
A.J. Davila
Allana Royale
ALlison and The Fizz
Chain of Flowers
City of the Sun
Daddy Issues
Ezra Furman
JEFF The Brotherhood
Kane Strong
Kelsey Waldon
Kishi Bashi
Lee Fields & The Expressions
Muddy Magnolias
River Accommodations
Ruby Amanfu
Tall Heights
The Bones of J.R. JOones
The Dig
Valley Queen
Walker Lukens
Wreckless Eric
Yorke Lor