Anna Von Hausswolff has released a new music video for “Dolore di Orsini,” a single from her latest studio album release All Thoughts Fly, which is out now via Southern Lord. This striking video was directed by Ludvig Holtenäs and Gustaf Holtenäs, with animation effects by Mathias Söderberg.
“Dolore di Orsini” is composed of a tracking shot that pulls out of a structure that appears to be drenched with blood. This shot then shows a shadowy figure, likely Hausswolff, standing underneath this pillar, as the camera continues to pull out and reveal two triangular buildings. This single shot pulls out to reveal a field and some light animation, before a forest and numerous sculptures appear out of the ether.
The song is composed entirely via pipe organ, like the rest of the album, opening up with a solemn melody that gradually progresses into a grander sound. “Dolore di Orsini” evolves from a grief stricken sound to a larger more robust feeling, that complements the birth of the forest shown in the video.
“‘Dolore di Orsini’ is a song about profound sadness and finding freedom in grief. It’s inspired by the idea that Pier Orsini, a wealthy patron of arts, created the garden Sacro Bosco as a way to cope with grief and loss after losing his wife, Giulia Farnese,” Von Hausswolff explained in a press release.
All Thoughts Fly was accompanied by the singles “Sacro Bosco” and its title-track. Von Hausswolff teamed up with Myrkur to cover Björk’s “All Is Full of Love” back in June.