Neil Young and the chrome hearts have kicked off the new year with new single, “big change.” The press release said, “It is a song that looks square in the face of so many of the moving parts of where the world is turning today, and the way the power of Young and his band capture the feeling of these times is something that needs to be heard.” Recording with the chrome hearts are Spooner Oldham (Farifisa Organ), Micah Nelson (guitar and vocal), Corey McCormick (bass and vocal), Anthony LoGerfo (drums) and Neil Young (guitar and vocal).
Along with an exciting new track, a video has also been released. The video starts outside with the camera panned to a runway which is surrounded by old tires. The camera begins to back away from the runway track and showcases an American flag with a small glimpse of the band. The video then shows the back of a person waving the flag at the beach. The video then cuts to a person walking through snow continuing to hold the flag. The flag continues on it’s journey throughout the video which matches the lyrics for the song. The song opens up with, “ Big change is comin’/ Comin’ right home to you/ Big change is comin’/ You know what you got to do.” These lyrics are inspiring, especially to Americans whose flag is plastered throughout the video. The lyrics are matched with a typical rock tempo that would be expected from Young and the chrome hearts.
Fans are excited to see this classic Young in such an inspiring song. John Hanlon, Young’s long time mixing engineer says big change is “in your face loud irreverent rock ‘n roll paint splatter on the canvas in the vein of a Jackson Pollack painting.”