The saga of disputes between The Smiths’ former vocalist and guitarist, Morrissey and Johnny Marr respectively, continues following the latest news regarding their disagreements involving rights, releasing new music and any possible performances. In light of Morrissey becoming more openly far right in his political outreach, Marr has begun to distance himself from his former bandmate, and this recent update seems to be another result of their falling out.
According to NME, Morrissey posted to his website on September 19 that he had parted ways with Red Light Management/Pete Galli Management, meaning that previous associations he might’ve had will be severed. Marr also released a statement claiming that the band’s trademark belonged to him, so if there was ever to be a live event under the name of “The Smiths,” Marr could perform on his own, but Morrissey could not.
Outside of a greatest hits album being stopped from releasing, the music itself has not been impacted by the current rights issue. However, the future for the band and its legacy is not looking bright, so fans will have to cross their fingers that the music they love won’t be harmed in the midst of the members’ conflict.