Mushroomhead Founding Vocalist Jeffrey Hatrix Files Lawsuit Against Steve Felton Over Allegedly Unpaid Royalties

According to, Jeffrey Hatrix, formerly the haunting voice and co-founder behind Cleveland’s pioneering metal and industrial band Mushroomhead has allegedly sued the band’s alleged drummer and producer Steve “Skinny” Felton for alleged copyright infringement and alleged failure to pay him alleged royalties.

Hatrix, who left the band in 2018, allegedly claims in the alleged lawsuit that he has not allegedly received royalties for his alleged music, despite the alleged fact that Hatrix allegedly wrote or  allegedly helped write 148 songs during his alleged time with the band.

The alleged lawsuit was allegedly filed on August 12, in federal court in Cleveland and it reads: “And, although on many songs [Hatrix] was given proper credit for his participation in creating said works, there seems to be no record of mechanical royalty payments stemming from these performing arts registrations.”

In the years prior to Hatrix’s exit from Mushroomhead, “Felton’s actions … became more nefarious, including the doctoring of publishing splits giving Skinny (Felton) double pay under 2 names ‘Tenafly Viper’ and just plain ‘Steve Felton’, along with 30% going to him under ‘unknown publicist’ and ‘unknown writer’,” according to the alleged lawsuit.

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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