Japandroids Share Melodic New Single “D&T”

In preparation for their upcoming album, Japandroids releases another single titled “D&T”

Just last month the rock duo released their last single “Chicago”, which included lots of high energy vocals to get fans excited about the upcoming album.  The duo is now back just a month later with another single “D&T” . This one is much more melancholic in the lyrics as the duo sings about intoxicated stumbling inspired by experiences from their last tour. However, the song still upholds that classic rock instrumental that Japandroids fans love, making the song reminiscent of the midwest emo genre. Listen to the new song below

The band is releasing these singles in preparation for their last album Fate & Alcohol which is announced to release on October 18th and will be their fourth studio album. The duo is hoping to go out with a bang with their last album, as they hope to again reinvent the Japandroids sound. 

Sarah Faller: My name is Sarah Faller I am first generation American and originally from central valley California. I'm currently a junior at Lake Forest College studying English Literature and Sociology. I am pursuing a bachelors degree in English. After undergraduate I hope to pursue my passion in Literature in graduate school. I work as a vice president, and art curator of the student publication Tusitala at Lake Forest College.
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