Sam Shepard, better known as Floating Points, has announced that his new album, Cascade, will officially be released on September 13th. Along with the announcement, he has also shared the lead single off of the album, titled “Key103.”
A recent press release describe Cascade as “an eruption of unfinished business.” The press release continues to discuss the title of the album and similar it is to the title of Shepard’s latest album, Crush, in that they are both “one word that implies movement, beauty and pressure. Most importantly, it explains its mesmerizing sound: sumptuous sonic chasms to lose yourself in again and again.” A title like this can clue fans in to what this upcoming album will sound like.
An even better clue to what the rest of the album will contain is the lead single, “Key103.” According to Shepard, the track was named after “an underground Manchester radio station I’d listen to religiously.” Shepard goes on to say that this station allowed him to expand his musical horizons beyond the classical composers he had studied at Chetham’s School of Music.
“Key103” is the third single that Shepard has released from Cascade. The first single, “Birth400,” and the second single, “Del Oro,” both share a familiar dance beat with “Key103”, and all three singles feature a beautiful music video of a live painting by artist Akiko Nakayama.
Cascade Track List:
1. Vocoder (Club Mix)
2. Key103
3. Birth4000
4. Del Oro
5. Fast Forward
6. Ocotillo
7. Afflecks Palace
8. Tilt Shift
9. Ablaze