Refused Cancels Stockholm Show After Dennis Lyxzén Suffers A Heart Attack

Refused vocalist Dennis Lyxzén has suffered a “massive” heart attack and cancelled the band’s Stockholm show at Rosendal Garden Party on Friday (6/14). “So this morning I had a massive heart attack at my hotel room,” he writes. “It’s was extremely painful and wildly scary” said Lyxzén. “I real really hate cancelling show but the doctor said no rock for a couple of weeks” said Lyxzén on Which means that the refused show at rosendal garden party is not happening. “A complete bummer as I was really looking forward to it. But hopefully I/we will be able to make up to you soon” said Lyxzén.

Refused was also featured on a new album last year with the band Fake News. On, the first single from the album is called “Delete Myself”  and in a press release the tune is described as “a high-energy craft cocktail comprised of punk and garage, finished with unforgettable riffs.”

Photo Credit: Owen Ela

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