Moses Sumney Returns With Cinematic New Single & Video “Vintage”

Moses Sumney is back with a soulful new single and accompanying music video titled “Vintage.” This release marks Sumney’s venture into the realm of progressive R&B, a genre he’s been immersing himself in recently. Inspired by the R&B icons of the ’90s and 2000s, Sumney crafted the music video to reflect the expressive style of those eras, where artists weren’t afraid to sing about desire.

Sumney’s velvety vocals take center stage, guiding listeners with the atmospheric production. The rich background vocals melt into the track, adding depth to the song whether you’re listening through your AirPods or a cassette tape!

The line, “I’ma take it back to 1993 when I get my fingers on a time machine” reflects a longing for a bygone era which Sumney transports viewers back to in his music video. 

According to Stereogum, Deville says, “The video really goes there, embracing the excess of ’90s R&B: mansions, leather, passionate scenes in the rain. Sumney directed the clip, Marcell Rév did the cinematography, and Kodak provided a new, never-before-used motion-picture film stock based on Portra.” 

Sumney’s artistic exploration doesn’t end here. He’s featured on Chance The Rapper’s song, “Child of God,” which has over 6 million streams on Spotify, showcasing his distinctive voice and versatility as a songwriter.

Photo credit: Sharon Alagna

Isabella Fischer: Isabella, a music journalist and violinist, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music Business from Los Angeles College of Music. As a Weekly Music News Writer for MXDWN, she’s dedicated to uncovering music industry trends and staying on top of the ever-changing music scene. When she's not writing, she can often be found attending concerts or diving into a good book, and always seeking new sources of inspiration.
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