Umbra Vitae Shares Spirited New Single “Anti-Spirit Machine”

Umbra Vitae, which features Jacob Bannon (Converge,) Sean Martin (Twitching Tongues, ex-Hatebreed,) Mike McKenzie (The Red Chord,) Jon Rice (Uncle Acid, Tsjuder) and Greg Weeks (The Red Chord) are gearing up for the release of  sophomore album, Light Of Death on June 7. The band has released another album track today that is the hook-laden, thrashy D-beat banger titled “Anti-Spirit Machine.

The song is “one of the first of Sean’s demos that we jammed together at his house and it didn’t change much in the studio other than the fact that we got to rip fun solos in it. The modulation in the middle where we trade solos is a ton of fun to play” says McKenzie.

Weeks continues with:”This song reminds of traveling to Connecticut every Sunday for a couple of months to Sean’s house to work on this record. It was two hours each way and sometimes it was the full band or sometimes just the two of us. We spent the days reviewing riffs, eating bad food and immersing ourselves in discussions about musicians we love, instruments we wanted and tunes we were currently listening to at the time.”

Bannon concludes with: “This started as another incredible Sean Martin demo. Aside from a few tweaks by the band, the song is near identical to the original version. It is a traditional Thrash ripper that has us going through a gauntlet of infectious riffs. It also has some of my favorite solos by Mike and Sean on the record. Lyrically it reads as an open letter. The phrase ‘Anti-Spirit Machine’ refers to social processes that devalue and derail the independent spirit in all of us.”

Cait Stoddard: Hello! My name is Caitlin and my job is writing music news stories and reviewing metal music albums. I enjoy collecting vinyl, playing video games, watching movies and going to concerts.
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