Teen Daze Shares Mellow New Single & Video “Back yard”

Canadian electronic musician Teen Daze returns with a new single “Back yard”. Featuring singer-songwriter Andy Shauf and jazz bassist Sam Wilkes, this track marks a change in sound for Teen Daze, as his last album Interior, explored neon-lit House music. On “Back yard”, Teen Daze explores a more mellow side to his musical composition, showcasing grooves, melody and harmony.

Directed by Daniel Sparrow, the video takes the song’s meaning more literally as Teen Daze is atop his balcony and staring into a stretch of grass and spacing out to the images of lawns and fences. Adding shots of suburban landscapes and decor with electronic appliances and instruments in his home, thoughts are running through his mind about how much has time passed and what has changed in his life.

Discussing the meaning of the track, Teen Daze commented, “This was the first song I wrote for this record almost four years ago. It was early in the pandemic, and I had bought a new vocal mic from a friend of mine. I hadn’t written any songs with vocals in a few years, and when my friend offered to sell me this mic, I thought it might spark some inspiration…The act of ‘staring into the backyard’ was a literal thing that I found myself doing; my studio faces into our small stretch of backyard, and I’d find myself spacing out as I started through the wind, considering how so much had changed in my life.”

When it comes to Music About Domestic Life, of course the main inspiration for this tune had to be Paul McCartney. The guitar solo feels like it’s right out of Paul’s playbook. Andy’s drums and Sam’s bass part somehow make it feel like we were all in the same room when this was made, which is a testament to both their playing.”

Cristian Garcia: I'm a grad student working on my master's and then my PhD in physics. When I'm not involved in music or my research, I'm out hiking, boxing, riding my bike on trails, or catching up on my reading.
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