Rock singer Marilyn Manson has allegedly settled an alleged sexual assault lawsuit. According to Pitchfork, Adam Wolf, the attorney for Doe, reportedly filed a notice in settlement on Wednesday, September 27. An alleged request to dismiss the alleged case will be filed within the next 45 days.
The alleged trial against Manson was reported to commence sometime next week. In the alleged lawsuit, the anonymous Jane Doe allegedly reported specifics of alleged sexual assault. According to Pitchfork, Doe discussed how Manson allegedly assaulted her, allegedly deprived Doe of food and allegedly threatened her.
Doe discussed her alleged experience with the alleged sexual assault: “I was fully prepared for trial and never in a million years thought I would ever settle, but over the past 2-and-a-half-years I have silently endured threats, bullying, harassment and various forms of intimidation that have intensified over the past few weeks. Marilyn Manson attended my deposition, and I was forced to answer 7 hours of aggressive questioning with him staring at me from across the table. I’ve been told that this almost never happens, as it’s cruel, and that a main reason for it would be to intimidate and inflict emotional distress on a victim. I never cared about money and only ever wanted justice, but if we had gone to trial, I could have lost my right to anonymity and been victim-blamed on a large and public scale. Most importantly I could have risked losing the freedom to tell my story, and that is worth more than anything in the world. If any other victims are reading this – please know that you are loved and supported even if it doesn’t feel that way, and that in spite of everything I’ve been through I don’t for one second regret speaking up.”
Adam Wolf, who supported Jane Doe in her alleged lawsuit against Manson, has since commented: “I am honored to have supported Ms. Doe,” Wolf said in a statement. “My law firm stands with those who bravely push back against misconduct in all forms, especially by high-profile, powerful men. We are dedicated to fighting for justice, no matter how long it takes. You are not alone.”
The rock singer’s attorney, Howard E. King, has reported his side of the alleged lawsuit: “Brian [Warner] is pleased that, just as previous lawsuits were abandoned without payment or settled for pennies on the dollar, this plaintiff has now agreed to drop her suit in exchange for an insurance payment representing a fraction of her demands and far less than the cost to Brian of proceeding to trial.”
Marilyn Manson was recently fined for allegedly spitting on a camerawoman in 2019 last week. He has been charged and sentenced to community service for his alleged actions.
Photo Credit: Owen Ela