The American creative song writer and singer Grace Potter has just shared two new tracks from her upcoming album Mother Road, “Ready Set Go” and “Lady Vagabond.” Watch the two music videos below.
“Ready Set Go” seems to be an awesome road trip song, and Grace really shows her rock side with the enthusiastic chorus as well as the great side guitar works. The video itself showcased many images related to a chill western road trip, really conveys the laidback feeling from the song.
“Lady Vagabond” gives a totally different vibe. The song turns out to be a dramatic, adventurous track, incorporated sound notes that mimic the old western stand offs to add a certain seriousness to the theme, and really moves audiences with the percussions and guitars. The video itself showcased various road trip footages to help convey a spaghetti-western bravado.
When commenting on the creative process behind the new songs, Potter shared that “‘Ready Set Go’ is one of the very first songs I wrote for Mother Road. I’d been driving solo for about a week and I must’ve been desperate for some company because any time I stopped, I got this bizarre urge to jump in every car, truck, train or bus I saw drive by! While I didn’t indulge that highly questionable and risky idea in reality, I did explore it through song…and my imaginary co-pilots took me down some very unexpected roads.”
She also remarks on how “Lady Vagabond” gives a different feeling from the other tracks in the album, saying that “On the other hand, along the many stops on Mother Road, ‘Lady Vagabond’ is, without a doubt, the steepest exit ramp to another dimension from which you cannot return.”
Both of these tracks are from her upcoming album Mother Road, which would also kick off her Mother Road Tour at Collin Centers for the Arts in Orono, ME on Saturday, September 7.
Read about Grace Potter’s colorful single “Good Time” here.