A mind dazzling musical adventure
Slovenian avant-garde musical band Laibach was formed in 1980 and after nearly four decades of creating successful music, the band is back with their album Love Is Still Alive which was released in January. As a whole, the album has eight phases of country, pop and classical vibes along with dynamic vocals and instrumentation. Love Is Still Alive is an experimental treatment for those who crave music filled with endless talent.
Kicking things off are the first two numbers “Love Is Still Alive I (Moon, Euphoria)” and “Love Is Still Alive II (Venus, Libidine)” and while listening to both tunes, a strong country music vibe fills the air with sharp guitar and keyboard that evokes listeners to sing or dance along while listening. Although both have a taste of the country in them, “Love Is Still Alive II (Venus, Libidine)” is just a tad different from “Love Is Still Alive I (Moon, Euphoria)” because it has a heavy dose of rockabilly. Laibach proves that they know how to compose catchy music.
The next phases are “Love Is Still Alive III (Mercury, Dopamine)” and “Love Is Still Alive IV (Neptune, Oxytocin).” The music is different from the previously mentioned songs; the mysterious keyboard playing brings a catchy poppy theme and each riff from the guitar playing sizzles in the background. Both tracks are musically different, “Love Is Still Alive III (Mercury, Dopamine)” brings a bossa nova vibe whereas on “Love Is Still Alive IV (Neptune, Oxytocin)” employs elements of rock music with great authority. Both tracks show that Laibach are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones in terms of creativity.
The journey continues with “Love Is Still Alive V (Uranus, Prolactin)” and “Love Is Still Alive VI (Saturn, Insomnia).” What is stunning about both compositions is how Laibach can surprise people with the different musical shifts. “Love Is Still Alive V (Uranus, Prolactin)” is an easy listen that incorporates funk and soul styles while “Love Is Still Alive IV (Saturn, Insomnia)” is a bit darker and deep thanks to the beautiful guitar and keyboard playing.
The last phases on the album are “Love Is Still Alive VII (Jupiter, Tristitia)” and “Love Is Still Alive VIII (Mars, Dysphoria).” Laibach is able to create dark hard rock and metal music that can leave listeners on the edge of their seats. Right off the bat “Love Is Still Alive VII (Jupiter, Tristitia)” has killer keyboard playing that brings more sentimentalism while the guitar serenades the ears with beautiful riffs.
Love Is Still Alive brings a sense of positivity, hope and peace while negativity continues to linger around in our culture and society. Laibach has done a great job with the album and hopefully, more people will appreciate the time and effort the band put into creating meaningful music.