Late last year, the legendary metal band Megadeth announced that their newest forthcoming album, The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead was going to be released in Spring of 2022. This date lined up beautifully with the group’s upcoming tour, The Metal Tour of The Year, which was also scheduled to take place in Spring. However, a recent interview from the group has indicated that the release date for The Sick will have to be pushed into summer.
The main cause for the delay seems to relate to distribution issues, along with the ability for the band to create vinyl of the project to distribute to the public. When asked whether Megadeth intended to use their upcoming tour to promote the new album, the band’s guitarist, Dave Mustaine, made clear that it it would not; Loudwire quotes Mustaine as stating that the tour is for “wrapping up the remainder of last year, but I know that our actual official record release date had gotten moved back again with all of the distribution stuff, and all of these issues with getting product from one place to the next with record plants making vinyl.”
Mustaine clarifies that Megadeth is not fully reliant on vinyl, but states that “whole process has been delayed, so it’s just gotten moved back again.” The guitarist did not announce a release date for the album, and explained that the group may be on tour during the release date of the album, suggesting that “when the record comes out this summer we’ll be on a tour that we’re going to be announcing, but I can’t really get into that right now because I don’t know for sure the dates.”
In Megadeth’s Metal Tour of The Year, the band will play alongside fellow metal giant Lamb of God, along with guest acts Trivium and In Flames. In promotion of the upcoming album, Dave Mustaine has released a teaser of a song off the project titled “Life in Hell.” The Sick, the Dying and the Dead follows the release of the band’s previous studio album, Dystopia.
Photo Credit: Marv Watson