Ryan Patterson will be releasing his new album Heart of Crime on August 27th. This will be the third album to an expanse of “electric Southern romanticism.” Heart of Crime is suppose to encompass synths, drum machines and guitar hooks, which is another way of saying the music has an “electric Southern romanticism” to it.
It was also the response he had for a quarantine lifestyle. “This is by far the most direct and personal thing I’ve ever done in that 99% of everything on the recording is me,” said Patterson.
Patterson is also the backbone behind Fotocrime, being the singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer. Patterson explains Fotocrime as “a meeting point between cold-war Europe and mid-century Americana.”
To entice listeners to check out Fotocrime’s new album, Patterson has released a song from the LP. “Delicate Prey” has a cinematic music video directed by Bobby Markos. As Patterson sings with his soft baritone voice through “Delicate Prey” viewers see how well his voice matches with the song title and how his voice doesn’t get in the way of the video. Heart of Crime is suppose to go in the opposite direction of the previous 2020 album South of Heaven.
This will be the first album he has made by himself. Patterson says, “It’s the first album I’ve ever recorded and mixed myself.”
Heart of Crime also embodies an urban underground kind of feel, which is known to attract intense listeners. As “Delicate Prey” encompasses a hunt and hunted kind of feel, the couple during the video seem to be stalked by Patterson as he sings while they roam across the open field. Especially on the part where he says “looks death straight in the face” and the boy looks right into the camera when he says it. “Delicate Prey” is suppose to take on an 1980s aspect with the music mimicking the tone of music from that era. The video takes on three different perspectives: one of the couple, the other of Ryan Patterson in the woods lurking and the female dancer.
Heart of Crime Tracklist:
1.Heart of Crime
2.Electric Café
3.So So Low
4.Delicate Prey
5.Crystal Caves
6.Politi Policia Polizei
7.Industry Pig
8.Zoë Rising
9.Inferno Rebels
10.Learn To Love The Lash
11.Skinned Alive