Former president Donald Trump has been acquitted following his impeachment. The historical trial marked the first time a president had been impeached. Trump’s trial centered on the Capitol insurrection that occurred last month on January 6, with the Senate voting 57-43 in favor of conviction, falling short of the required two-thirds majority. Democrats had needed 17 Republicans to vote alongside them to reach the two-thirds majority necessary for a conviction, however they were only able to gain seven Republican votes. Trump had also been acquitted after his first impeachment last year.
Many artists have taken to Twitter to show their disappointment in Trump’s lack of a conviction. Killer Mike of Run the Jewels tweeted “In this world of sin I am used to seeing the Villains win,” hinting toward his lack of surprise about a conviction.
In this evil world of sin I am used to seeing the Villains win.
— Killer Mike (@KillerMike) February 13, 2021
Questlove also took the stance that Trump’s acquittal had not been surprising, sharing that it followed the same patterns that have been seen throughout history. “Lol this frustrating to yall? Imagine centuries of that. Imagine. Exhausting right?”
Lol this frustration yall feel? Imagine centuries of that. Imagine. Exhausting right?
— B.R.O.theR. ?uestion (@questlove) February 13, 2021
Yoko Ono took to Twitter to share some thoughts of hers that she indicated had first been written in 2011. “Let’s just remember that 99% of the human race is us. WE are all together. We are peace and love. The other 1% is talking and acting loud. The battle at dawn is the fiercest, as they say. Let’s wait for the sunrise, together.”
Let’s just remember that 99% of the human race is us. WE are all together. We are peace and love. The other 1% is talking and acting loud. The battle at dawn is the fiercest, as they say. Let’s wait for the sunrise, together.
— Yoko Ono (@yokoono) February 13, 2021
The Blessed Madonna had some harsher words to say for those who did not vote to convict Trump. Low and Telefon Tel Aviv also critiqued Trump’s acquittal.
All Republicans are racist traitor cunts.
— THE BLESSED MADONNA (@Blessed_Madonna) February 13, 2021
None of this shit works if people cheat and lie.
— LOW (@lowtheband) February 13, 2021
incredible that anyone suffered from the hallucination that it would have turned out differently
— Telefon Tel Aviv (@telefontelaviv) February 13, 2021
Airborne Toxic Event’s frontman Mikel Jollett shared his thoughts on the acquittal, saying “86% of Republicans in the Senate just voted to protect a president WHO TRIED TO MURDER THEM.” He continued the thread with “I keep hearing Republicans protected Trump because they are ‘afraid’ of him. I don’t know about you, but if someone tried to murder me I’d want the sonofabitch in jail.”
I keep hearing Republicans protected Trump because they are “afraid” of him.
I don’t know about you, but if someone tried to murder me I’d want the sonofabitch in jail.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) February 13, 2021
Former Nine Inch Nails art director Rob Sheridan also had a lot to say about Trump’s acquittal, speaking in length about his disapproval of the Republican Party. “The Republican Party needs to be purged from existence,” he said in his Tweets. “If some of you absolutely MUST have a party of corporate impunity and endless war or whatever the fuck it is the @GOP supposedly stood for, you better start from scratch, because this piss puddle of racist traitors ain’t it. I genuinely will never for one second take anyone seriously or trust anyone in any way who identifies as a Republican. You’re admitting outright that you’re either stupid, racist, selfish, or some combination of all three, and why tf would I allow someone like that in my life.”
I genuinely will never for one second take anyone seriously or trust anyone in any way who identifies as a Republican. You’re admitting outright that you’re either stupid, racist, selfish, or some combination of all three, and why tf would I allow someone like that in my life
— Rob Sheridan (@rob_sheridan) February 13, 2021
Electronic music producer Kill the Noise also shared his disappointment via social media, stating, “This vote, it’s not about the unhinged maniac we all know trump is, it is about the preservation of a class of people that run the show and their ability to continue to do whatever they want. So if you are cheering this on, you’re missing the point and you’ve lost the plot.. there are sides, but you as a civilian aren’t on the same side as them.”
So if you are cheering this on, you’re missing the point and you’ve lost the plot.. there are sides, but you as a civilian aren’t on the same side as them
— jake the human (@killthenoise) February 13, 2021
Photo credit: Owen Ela