Up-and-coming artist Miss Grit, the moniker of Margaret Sohn, is set to release her new EP, Impostor, on February 5. Today, she shared a single titled “Grow Up To” from the upcoming release. Her first single off of the album, “Impostor,” was released in January and was featured as a New Music Alert for mxdwn.
“Grow Up To” is an elastic track with droning guitar and electric vocals that build up as the song progresses. While her lyrics are short and repetitive, they strongly complement the expanding sound of guitar and loud drums. Sohn starts the track off by stating “When I fall dead/ I’ll still crave/ The next place all the same/ And in the morning/ I will wait/ Til it’s late/ For my fate, resuscitate.” As the music rises, she sings, “Grow up to” in correspondence with the progression.
Sohn’s upcoming release is a representation of life-long navigation through racial impostor-syndrome. As an American-Korean female, she has faced a lot of hardship while growing up in a predominantly white suburb area in Michigan.
She eventually went on to study music technology at NYU. Shortly after, Sohn’s Talk Talk, her debut EP, began the start of her career. Talk Talk was released in January of 2019 and features four tracks. She describes her debut-release as a feeling where “she was someone who was impersonating a musician,” according to a press release.