The world may seem as though it is falling apart, and maybe it is, but who better to soundtrack this collapse than The Receiving End of Sirens. A much beloved post-hardcore act, The Receiving End of Sirens (often referred to by fans as TREOS) never quite got their due. It wasn’t until band member Casey Crescenzo left to form his side project The Dear Hunter, that the band was retroactively discovered by fans.
Those who took the time to discover TREOS were rewarded with an unrefined but startlingly potent sound. Their debut record Between the Heart and the Synapse is seen by modern post-hardcore fans as a turning point in the sound of the genre. It, along with groups like Coheed and Cambria, turned towards cleaner vocals with accenting screams and more complex guitar work than previous post hardcore records. Most importantly it opened up the genre to more storyline driven albums, a trend that Crescenzo would continue with The Dear Hunter.
Though Crescenzo left after their debut, their second record The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi is still excellent. It showcases a more radio friendly sound on songs like “Smoke and Mirrors” and “Stay Small” the latter of which recalls the sounds of post Anthony Green Saosin.
After disbanding in 2007, TREOS would occasionally pop up to play shows here and there, but with the success of The Dear Hunter, it made organizing a reunion difficult. Luckily, the band has finally reunited for a tour this May and will be coming to play the fabulous 1720 warehouse in Los Angeles on May 10th.
Location: 1720
Address: 1720 E 16th St, Los Angeles, CA 90021