As Americans we often do a poor job of noticing that other countries put out music. The UK and Canada can often produce stars that make a dent, but other countries either need to produce a star with an unreal charisma or talent level, or force them to sing or perform in English since we seem to be incapable of listening to music if we can’t understand the lyrics.
Thankfully there are still bands who are capable of expanding our cultural horizons, and on 2/29 Dengue Fever takes their latest release to a free show at Long Beach to reignite the passions of Cambodian Rock and pop music with just enough of an American flair to make it accessible.
In addition to the free show they will be celebrating their latest special vinyl release by selling it in a limited edition onsite and will also be selling new Krama scarves, which are Cambodian scarves, in a wide variety of new colors complete with the band logo. Other merchandise will be available at the performance as well.
The show will take place at 209 Pine Ave on 2/29 in Long Beach CA. Tickets are free and you can RSVP here. Be sure to swing by to get a glimpse at a style of music that you may not have heard before, after all exploration is half the fun of listening to music.
Photo Credit: Ilana Tel-Oren