Sometimes you just need a good cry. There’s plenty of reasons we should all be crying, taxes, the death of the planet, a rapidly expanding gulf between the common person and the upper class, frankly I don’t see why babies get such a monopoly on crying in public, I have way more problems than some dumb baby. Luckily for those looking to cry in public, Crywank will be playing a show in Los Angeles, so make sure to bring some tissues.
Crywank doesn’t play your typical melodramatic fare. They’re not making songs like “I Will Follow You Into The Dark” or “What Sarah Said” (though both of those are excellent songs) instead they trend towards the raw and real, and present it in viciously unfiltered terms. Perhaps no song better captures it better than “Momento Mori” from their excellent 2016 album Tomorrow is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday is Stupid, which opens by saying “Everyone I love is gonna die, and I will die as well, I think about this before I sleep.” This establishes a major theme of Crywank’s music which is the worries we thrust onto big ideas but approaches them from the context of a regular person.
Often the music itself is stripped back to allow the lyrics to shine but in the same way they reflect a musical ethos similar to Mount Eerie by manipulating the intensity of their instrumentation to force emotion out of the listener. That they do this without taking away from the lyrics themselves forces them into the conversation of great living songwriters despite the rather silly name.
In addition to all the positives of their music this show is particularly emotional as it is part of Crywank’s first and last American tour as they have announced that they will be breaking up at the end of 2020 after this tour and one more album. So be sure to grab a ticket because this band is never coming back around.
Those who are looking for a place to get supremely sad without judgement, surrounded by people who are going to be doing the same should take the time to swing by El Cid on 4/9 and as I mentioned earlier, bring tissues.
Location: El Cid
Address: 4212 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029