A humorous and riveting ride through and through
Recorded in the home studio of lead singer Kevin Barnes, Georgia based band, of Montreal, is back with their 16th studio album UR FUN. Psychedelic pop and indie rock come together to create an album filled with morbid humor and intense autobiographical stories. Sounding happier and giddy with every lyrical shift, UR FUN makes the listener do a bit of a double-take throughout the album. Taking more time to indulge in his past relationships, the album comes after 2018’s White is Relic/ Irrealis Mood.
The album spans 10 tracks and plays like an open diary. Opening with “Peace To All Freaks,” Barnes makes his opening statement a powerful one by writing a protest song of sorts for the outcasts in the world. “Get God’s Attention by Being an Atheist” is a track dedicated to fighting the power and finding reckless joy in the non-adult things in life. A true love song for the ages happens with “You’ve Had Me Everywhere.” with lyrics like, “Listen to your heartbeat realizing it’s my heartbeat too. because if something were to happen to you I would lose my mind. and I would never get it back,” it’s hard not to fall for Barnes lyrically driven mind just a little.
As the album continues, the mood shifts a bit starting with “Don’t Let Me Die in America.” The track is pop-punk at its finest with gleaming guitar and heavy bass. The last two tracks on the album, “Deliberate Self-Harm Ha Ha” and “20th Century Schizofriendic Revengard-man,” take turns talking about cultural issues, modern love and a messed-up society.
UR FUN is a refreshing take on very common musical topics. When every song on the radio deals with feelings of love, sadness or anger, it can be hard to stand out from the pack but Barnes and of Montreal do a good job of creating yet another album in their discography that will get people talking.