After seven years of being an active band and releasing incredible music, Priests have announced an indefinite hiatus. The band will perform their fan-favorite music on the Rough Trade stage on Tuesday, December 31, 2019. The age restriction for this show is 18 and over. Fans who do want to attend the show should expect for the doors to open at 9:00 PM, while the bands last time to perform their setlist will begin at 9:30 PM. At the moment, tickets are on sale for $25.00, but if you decide to pay for the show during the day of the concert, expect to pay $30.00.
Priests formed back in 2012, in Washington D.C. Their music consisted of the Classic Rock sound with a very Punk tone and lyrics. They released four EP’s, but their debut album titled Nothing Feels Natural was released in 2017. The band and their music showed so much promise. The album ranked in many “Best Albums” list from many iconic music publications. Earlier this year they released their second studio album, and possibly their last. It is an album filled with 12 tracks that make you feel like you are listening to early 2000’s Punk Rock music. There is a nostalgic feel for all 42 minutes of the album.
On December 12th, the band announced that they will be going on an indefinite hiatus. The band broke the news on their social media, in their own words they said that they, “aren’t in a place to write another album together right now. There might be a possibility that they break up is not forever, but they will not get back together in the foreseeable future. This night will be a night that will close off their careers in a big way. The band is taking a break, but we will have their timeless music to listen to.
Get your tickets to end the celebration of Priests.
Priests (Final Show)
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Doors: 9:00 PM
Show: 9:30 PM
$25.00+ GA
64 N 9th St
Brooklyn, NY, 11249