In an age of such musical plenty it’s impossible to proclaim that any genre is tired. There’s so much evolution and mixing of genres and styles that everything seems to be going through some sort of renaissance. That being said if I had to declare any genre as tired it would be industrial electronic. Barring a few outliers that barely fit within the genre to begin with like HEALTH, the style has become self referential to the point of banality, each song sounds as dour as the last and though there is clearly some self satire it’s starting to get more than a little old. This is where GosT stakes their claim upon a tired genre and infuses it with new life.
Where HEALTH takes vicious electronics and uses it to enhance the traditionally guitar centric genre of noise rock, GosT takes the song structures and themes of metal and applies them to a fusion of industrial techno and electronic in the vein of groups like Justice. The resulting mixture is potent and immensely digestible. Thanks to the popularity of more aggressive electronic music styles like Dubstep, the genre has become as open to intense music as it is to house music. GosT takes advantage of this with grumbling synths that imitate and blend with guitars and screamed vocals, creating a concoction that has been attempted before, but only now sounds excellent.
Because of the unique nature of GosT they have a fittingly impressive live show. Crowds are equal parts rave kids and metalheads, making for a comical mixture, and the lighting and show production is on par with the many electronic acts that make their living at clubs and festivals during the summer. In short, this a show worth seeing at an excellent venue, the great price is only one more reason to check it out.
Location: The Echo
Address: 1822 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026