Well over 200 artists have been recently announced to perform at SXSW 2020, but no one as illustrious as the newly announced keynote speaker Roger Waters of iconic Pink Floyd fame. As previously reported by Stereogum the second round of performers for SXSW 2020 according to the “…latest info drop includes 210 acts. Some highlights: Wire (and Wyre!), Nasty Cherry, Frances Quinlan, Sorry, Squirrel Flower, Madison McFerrin, P.E., Walshy Fire, Otoboke Beaver, Algiers, Boy Scouts, Fran, Sui Zhen, Madame Gandhi, Dehd, Moaning, Pom Pom Squad, TENGGER, and Washer.”
Rogers joins an already impressive group of keynote speakers that will be included in next year’s SXSW. According to the aforementioned Stereogum article, as of last Tuesday it was “…announced Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters as a 2020 keynote speaker, joining fellow keynote Kim Gordon and other speakers including Nile Rodgers, Benny Blanco, and Get Out composer Michael Abels among others.” Initial reports regarding the announcements of the keynote speakers for the Austin, Texas event listed the festivities to be held from March 13-22 of next year. An additional Sterogum report included commentary from chief program officer Hugh Forrest speaking on behalf of the initial announcements for SXSW keynote speakers saying:
“’We’re kicking off the 2020 season with a captivating group of speakers,’ said Hugh Forrest, chief programming officer. ‘From Keynotes Reggie Fils-Aimé, who oversaw Nintendo of America during its most successful era, and Kim Gordon, a creative virtuoso whose passion and achievements have paved the way for others, to our diverse range of expert Featured Speakers, these talents prove that SXSW is the premier destination for innovation and creative discovery.’”
SXSW has been a successfully burgeoning event that has been the epicenter for finding the voices of creatives and innovators from past and present generations. As previously stated in a Sterogum article, “Despite its exponential growth over the years, SXSW is still largely focused on up-and-coming artists. The performers will be spread around Austin in hundreds of showcases and parties rather than cordoned into one contained area. And perhaps most relevant to today’s news, this really is only the beginning — SXSW announces its lineup in many waves, and often some of the most enticing names aren’t confirmed until very close to the event.”
Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna