Popular rapper and songwriter A$AP Rocky has ran into some trouble recently with an assault case in Sweden. On July 3rd Rocky and two other men were arrested for engaging in a fight with two others who were allegedly harassing A$AP Rocky and his group. So far, Rocky has been held in Sweden for three weeks after being judged as a flight risk.
Rocky posted a video in which he accused the two men of harassment. Additionally, the video shows two men accusing Rocky and his men of breaking a pair of their headphones. It is also seen that Rocky and his two men asked the others numerous times to stop following them. This is followed by a man that sources believe to be Rocky himself eventually assaulting one of the two men who were following him.
Just recently, Swedish prosecutors charged Rocky with assault and will hold him and his two men in custody until their court date. The court date will be announced by the Stockholm District court next week. One of the prosecutors, Daniel Suneson, commented that he filed charges against Rocky on suspicion of assault causing bodily harm. Additionally he stated, “It is worth noting that I have had access to a greater amount of material than that which has previously been available on the internet. In addition to video material, the injured party’s statements have been supported by witness statements.”
In the meantime, President Trump decided to contact the Swedish government about the issue. The President spoke to the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven about Rocky though Löfven told Trump he could not influence the decisions of the court. Due to Rocky’s situation the rapper also had to cancel his upcoming tour.
Photo Credit: Mauricio Alvarado