Avenged Sevenfold surprised fans tonight and premiered their new album, titled The Stage, via . The following photo of the physical compact disc format of the album had already leaked as it was posted by Caliber TV. It is available for listening and purchase through Amazon, Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify and more. The album is the band’s debut with Capitol Records and will feature their new drummer Brooks Wakerman, who resumed Arin Ilejay’s role after his departure from the group last year.
The new album claims to be an ambitious work of tremendous scope, unlike anything the Orange County metalcore-turned-modern rock stars have done before. The record is themed around Artificial Intelligence and is inspired by the writings of legendary minds like Carl Sagan and Elon Musk. However, despite this theme of AI, the record avoids being a completely science-fiction. With help from the most famous scientist in the world, Neil Degrasse Tyson, the group looks into the good and bad that comes with our exponentially-changing technological world. Degrasse Tyson makes his appearance on the sprawling 15 minute closing track, “Exist.”
The Stage
01 The Stage
02 Paradigm
03 Sunny Dispositon
04 God Damn
05 Creating God
06 Angels
07 Simulation
08 Higher
09 Roman Sky
10 Fermi Paradox
11 Exist
The band premiered the album via their first ever global, 360 degree, live-streamed performance via VRTGO’s VR platform with help from Universal Music Group and Capitol Records. VRTGO is available for iOS and Android, and allows viewers to stream the show in such a high quality spectrum that it likens to experiencing the show in person.