L.A. Witch @ The Empty Bottle 9/27

What’s better than going to see a punk band in Chicago in the fall? Oh yeah, seeing an all-girl punk band in Chicago in the fall. Not to mention, these girls have an extremely unique take on punk music, including cloudy vocals floating over the top of guitar parts that are pretty extensive for those interested in straightforward punk. They layer the guitar parts and baselines in more of a sophisticated manner, making their songs the ones you want to listen to when driving down the freeway at night with some friends.

True to their name, they are from L.A. and proud of it. The grungy, black and white aesthetic that they set forth gives them a way different feel than anyone else in the music scene currently. While most of their songs are pretty fast-paced and laced with reverb, songs like “Ain’t Comin Home” inspire a slower, almost bluesy atmosphere. It sounds like what The Doors would’ve sounded like if they were all kick-ass women. And if they had an ounce of punk rock in their bones.

The Empty Bottle is a notoriously fun venue to see local bands. It provides an intimate atmosphere but also awesome acoustics. Plus, tickets for this show are only $10 – so you basically don’t have an excuse to NOT go. Seriously though, check out these awesome ladies rockin’ the stage on September 27 and you won’t regret it.

L.A. Witch @ The Empty Bottle

September 27 / 21+

Show @ 9:00 PM


Angie Gilmore: When I'm not writing for mxdwn, my interests include: the color black, going to concerts, coffee, and longboarding.
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