Photo Credit: Marv Watson
A mysterious website has launched today that has gotten fans stirring with anticipation and excitement. Rage Against the Machine, who broke up in 2011, have launched a website that is hinting to fans about some sort of possible project coming from political rap/rock group.
https://t.co/75MECE1j0j #TakeThePowerBack pic.twitter.com/CqGGIGK9Z9
— RageAgainstheMachine (@RATM) May 17, 2016
Earlier today. prophetsofrage.com was launched online by the American rock band Rage Against The Machine, the site features a large cryptic countdown clock that leads to June 1st. The user is navigated to an image bearing a broken slash through a circle with the silhouettes of five people extending their arms with clenched fists and the hashtag #clearthewayreading, There is an option on the website to input your email address, where once registered, the user is sent an email with the same image that is on the website but with a message that reads “Clear the way for the prophets of rage”, a known lyric from the Pubic enemy track “Prophets of Rage”, and then continues “The party’s over summer 2016” indicating some sort of possible reunion tour, or maybe a new album.
Interestingly enough, reports have surfaced that Public Enemy’s Chuck D tweeted earlier today about the band, posting an old video of him and Rage Against The Machine performing “Bulls on Parade” live in 2010, at Finsbury Park, London. There has also been a new Facebook page that launched which links Public Enemy videos, as well as videos from Cypress Hill. Perhaps fans can expect some sort of a collaboration from those groups together in a new side project, the music spectrum that both bands cover can overlap quite well, bringing back the unique rap and rock fusion that Rage Against The Machine was so well known for.
Rage Against The Machine – Bulls On Parade – Live At Finsbury Park, Lond… https://t.co/JB3o9KaupZ via @YouTube
— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) May 17, 2016
More and more bands have been choosing to use mystery and suspense to excite fans, leaving all sorts of hints and cryptic messages for fans to follow, hoping to find the great answer. According to reports, posters of the image with the website link have been surfacing up all over Los Angeles, giving nothing more than a small clue that is all part of some bigger plan from the group.
Rolling Stone reported that even though there are signs of life coming out of the RATM wood works, fans should not be expecting a reunion tour from the original lineup. “This is not a Rage-specific reunion,” says the report. “There’s a lot more to it. There are a lot of moving parts, a lot of exciting news to be revealed”. Even though it is not the original members, it is still exciting to see that there is music still to be had from the cast of RATM.
There are still so many questions to be answered about this mysterious new collaboration that seems to be in the works, but these questions will only be answered as times goes on and the ticking clock gets closer to zero.