Amanda Palmer has been busy as of late. She announced a new page for her artwork, and Palmer recently announced Spring 2015 tour dates. The New York born, but Bostonian at heart singer-songwriter, producer, master tweeter and all around badass (an acceptable alternative to her stage name is actually Amanda F**king Palmer). Amanda Palmer has been putting in work since the 90’s. Earlier today Amanda Palmer released a deeply personal minimalistic record “Bigger On The Inside”. In the song “Bigger On The Inside”, she reveals her deepest thoughts, fears, regrets, and words of advice.
As mentioned before this song is deeply personal, so much so that calling “Bigger On The Inside” deeply personal does not do it justice. It is a tear-jerker. Throughout the song the accompaniment builds from just a constant strumming guitar, to a clap, to a beautifully flowing stringed melody.
Palmers voice cracks from the emotion she put into this record. Palmer, 38, details her struggles with the death of her brother, a fan writing to her about being raped, and just the common everyday interactions that truly mean so much that we sometimes take for granted. Palmer gave a piece of her soul to the world. A piece of her soul that was dense with her burdens, pain, and problems which she then acknowledges are small, but her problems still needed to be addressed in someway.
A list of topics such as depression, anxiety, cancer, and rape are risen in the song “Bigger On The Inside”, but Palmer powers through the song almost as a metaphor. That if she can talk about all of her ills, and woes and can come out on the other side strong enough to share them with the world, then maybe other people going through the same things as her can find the strength to power through their situations. We as humans can and will endure a lot of pain, and that is what Palmer is getting at. Everyone has their struggles that they will go through, but we are able to somehow power through these hardships, and find a way to see a better tomorrow.
“Bigger On The Inside” has me sitting here almost in tears, because so many of the lyrics resonate deep within me. Rarely is a song so relatable. The simplicity of the song highlights her lyrics, and the messages she is trying to convey. The song is almost eight minutes long, but with each note Amanda Palmer sweeps you along captivating your emotions, and painting the picture of her life while you wait to see if she will actually fall off the tracks and say “screw it all”. Gladly she doesn’t and sticks it out to deliver one of most powerful songs I have ever heard. Do yourself a favor and grab a box of tissue. You’re going to need it, badly. Listen to “Bigger On The Inside” by Amanda Palmer.