Austin City Limits celebrates its fortieth anniversary this year, and the Avett Brothers helped ring in the anniversary with an amazing performance of “Satan Pulls The Strings.”
Describing a band has having an “electric performance” doesn’t necessarily mean that the band’s instruments are entirely electric. With the Avett Brothers’ recent performance on Austin City Limits, describing the show as anything less than “electric” would be doing the show a disservice. Performing the song “Satan Pulls The Strings” using mostly fiddles, banjos, and a double bass, The Avett Brothers brought down the house, making for one of the best shows at Austin City Limits for quite some time. The clip that will be shown is one that will not be aired along with the program, but watching it makes you feel like it should very well be released. The Avett Brothers have a firm grasp on their performance and their on-stage abilities. Their vocal harmonies rival that of the Beach Boys and the Fleet Foxes, and their musical abilities are not to be trifled with.
The Austin City Limits performance was not the first one in which they brought a live audience a fantastic experience. Last October, the group performed a rendition of Pearl Jam’s “Footsteps” on Jimmy Fallon. A couple of months earlier, the Avett Brothers released their record, Magpie And The Dandelion. A follow-up to the record has yet to be announced.