GWAR have granted us an epic new music video and it’s actually pretty tame by their standards. It won’t scar you at least.

Photo Credit: Raymond Flotat
“Madness at the Core of Time” is the first track off of Battle Maximus to receive the music video treatment. Aside from a few decapitations and their standard nightmare attire, GWAR keep things pretty conservative. Says Oderus of the filming:
We made a video? I have been so busy touring, getting loaded and mouthing off I didn’t even notice. But I am sure it’s the best video ever, simply because GWAR is in it.
Oderus remains uncontested. Those needing more to get their GWAR fix should also check out “The Animated Tales of GWAR” and the video of Oderus Ungurus’ unparalleled reading of Goodnight Moon.